Bring pediatric practice to life through the power of storytelling

The text has a case-based theme. Patients are introduced in Unit 1, Scenarios for Clinical Preparation, and then threaded through the remainder of the book where appropriate to provide reinforcement and deeper learning of the material. Unit 2, Care of the Developing Child, provides an overview of growth and development. Unit 3, Care of the Hospitalized Child, is organized by body system.

How it works?

Chapter-length Clinical Scenarios make up Unit 1. Each of the 14 scenarios in Unit 1 presents the story of a different pediatric patient with one or several conditions related to a given body system, told from the point of view of the patient’s parent (or, for a few of the older patients, from the patient’s point of view). Together, the cases cover patients of a diverse range of ages, levels of growth and development, backgrounds, and conditions and body systems involved, as well as a variety of aspects of pediatric nursing assessment, diagnosis, and intervention.

Greater breadth and depth of content emerge as the reader continues; Units 2 and 3, although still striving for compelling context, offer a more traditional textbook format, which provides a greater wealth of information. Through the case snippets in these units, which prompt students to recall patients from Unit 1, students can link these later units to those scenarios.

  • Powerfully written case-based patient scenarios instill a clinically relevant understanding of essential concepts to prepare students for clinicals.
  • Nurse’s Point of View sections in Unit 1 help students recognize the nursing considerations and challenges related to patient-based scenarios.
  • Let’s Compare boxes outline the differences between adult and pediatric anatomy and physiology.
  • Growth and Development Check features alert students to age and developmental stage considerations for nursing care.
  • New! Watch and Learn Videos are pediatric skill videos that provide students with skill-based content and better prepares them for clinical.
  • The Pharmacy sections organize medications by problem for convenient reference.
  • Whose Job is it Anyway? features reinforce the individual responsibilities of different members of the healthcare team.
  • Analyze the Evidence boxes compare conflicting research findings to strengthen students’ clinical judgment capabilities.
  • How Much Does It Hurt? boxes clarify the principles of pediatric pain relevant to specific problems.
  • Hospital Help sections alert students to specific considerations for the hospitalization of pediatric patients.
  • Priority Care Concepts help students confidently assess patients and prioritize care appropriately.
  • Patient Teaching boxes guide students through effective patient and parent education approaches.
  • Patient Safety alerts help students quickly recognize and address potential safety concerns.
  • Think Critically questions instill the clinical reasoning and analytical skills essential to safe patient-centered practice.
Meet our authors and hear why they think teaching with case studies makes such an impact

“Whether it is in clinical or the classroom, stories are going to stick with students. The storytelling in Unit 1 is much more powerful than a straight lecture. Rather than memorizing what to do, storytelling helps students with their clinical judgment through the visualization of well-developed characters that are the patient and his or her family. Through storytelling, students are able to reason through what the patient needs, priority assessment data, priority nursing interventions, and outcome measurements much more so than with traditional pedagogy.”

Catherine Gannon Tagher, EdD, MSN, RN, APRN

“I feel strongly about teaching with case studies because it is so hard to teach growth and development by reading a chapter on it. But each one of those case studies gives a real life way of teaching this important concept. And for me, when I was teaching peds, growth and development is so simple but so hard to teach, students always struggled with some of those ideas for each of the ages. The case studies really home in on this and it’s a different way to teach growth and development rather than going through stages and ages.”

Lisa Marie Knapp, DNP, MEd, RN, CCRN

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